
                    Welcome to Mousey's. 

Mousey's has been created after facing a large amount of difficult personal Life challenges. Most recently with my dad passing away. 

Throughout these challenges I have always kept an optimistic mindset and outlook on Life. These times have been very testing and I have found myself looking for ways to keep that positivity going. Mousey's is the brand that will allow myself to share that mindset with you. 

After dad passed I came up with the Logo for Mousey's. This Logo is a symbol of COURAGE, STRENGTH and the WILLPOWER to push on through any difficult challenge that life throws at you. 

By Purchasing a product from Mousey's, you are showing the world that you are ready to take on these challenges. You are showing the world that you are joining a group of like-minded individuals, that collectively, make up a Family.

Welcome To Mousey's, Welcome to the Family.

                             THE NAME

An Elephants pure size and power should squash the Mouse, but the Elephant knows the pure inner strength a Mouse Possesses that it gets out of the way of the Mouse.